In 2010 the Institute re-entered in the cycle of methodological courses in preparation for European Union competitions. The courses are aimed at enhancing the preparation of candidates intending to enrol in the competitions organised by the European Personnel...
The online course is tailored to the requirements of the competition, the material taught includes: documentation, tutorials, tests and educational assistance by teachers. The training program provides: Exercises and practice tests designed to develop professional...
The “Law & Business in Europe” programme was launched in 2005 as a joint initiative between the University Institute of European Studies and the Centre for Studies on Federalism, made possible with financial contributions by the Compagnia di San Paolo. This...
As of 2012, the Institute, in collaboration with Equilibri, has run a course on Diplomacy and International relations to be offered in an on-line format. This fills a big gap for specialised training in geopolitics, providing the expertise and experience of...
L’ Istituto Universitario di Studi Europei si trova in Lungo Dora Siena 100/A, a Torino, cap 10153.
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Gli uffici si trovano nell'edificio D3 al primo piano.
La Biblioteca Europea Gianni Merlini e il Centro di Documentazione Europea si trovano al piano terra dell'edificio C2, Polo Bibliotecario "Norberto Bobbio".