
Law and Business in Europe

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The “Law & Business in Europe” programme was launched in 2005 as a joint initiative between the University Institute of European Studies and the Centre for Studies on Federalism, made possible with financial contributions by the Compagnia di San Paolo.

This advanced postgraduate training is aimed at young graduates from the EU and other countries. The objective of the course is to provide in-depth studies of policies, regulatory framework and economic issues that most affect the world of business and the conditions under which they operate in the internal European market.

The cross sectoral approach and the executive focus make this course relevant and interesting to young professionals who wish to take advantage of specialised training that combines legal expertise, business and economic analysis.

From 2005-2008 four ten-week editions of the program were held. In 2009, the course was restructured to a module-based system to provide a more interdisciplinary approach.

The new structure has allowed for greater focus on the strategies and management instruments available to businesses, taking into account the European regulatory framework and the recent economic crisis. A special focus is placed on the synergy between innovation, growth and competitiveness.

Until the 2012 edition, the course (taught entirely in English) has been organised into three training weeks (Autumn School). New themes have been integrated into the programme with the aim of providing participants with the tools to set up effective business strategies within the European regulatory framework. A multidisciplinary approach to the training has given greater relevance to the material. The themes focused on are: strategic management applied to European commercial, corporate and tax law; the correlation between marketing and European Competition law, innovation strategies and sustainable energy.

The Programme also included specialised modules and workshops conducted with the active participation of successful European companies.